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npm update does not write updated versions to package.json

Update: This issue has been fixed in npm 8.3.2.

Found this out the hard way.

I was working on an app, and I wanted to update its dependencies.

> npm outdated
Package   Current  Wanted  Latest  Location               Depended by
date-fns   2.27.0  2.28.0  2.28.0  node_modules/date-fns  frontend

So I updated with npm update.

Then I had a look at package.json and to my surprise, date-fns wasn't updated:

"dependencies": {
    "date-fns": "^2.27.0",

However, the actual package was updated:

> npm list
my-app@0.1.0 /workspaces/my-app
├── date-fns@2.28.0

After googling, I finally found that this was a behavioral change ever since npm v7.

As a workaround for now, I use npm-check-updates to update version numbers in package.json.
