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2023 Val Thorens, Club Med, France, Skiing

Went with Elizabeth, Benedict and Kimi from 23-31 Dec 2023. We finally skied down black slopes, and tried going over moguls, managing to explore most of the 3 valleys.

Les 3 Vallées Piste Map
Les 3 Vallées Piste Map
Val Thorens Piste Map
Val Thorens Piste Map

Slopes attempted

25/12 Monday

I can't remember - maybe Plein Sud?

26/12 Tuesday

Morning: VT27 > VT23 > VT24 > Lory > OR3 > Niveroille > Fond

Club Med photographer attempts to take our photo
At the beginning of the Lory slope: Club Med photographer attempts to take our photo.

Afternoon: VT2/3? > VT5 > Chardons > Corniche?

27/12 Wednesday

Morning: Pointe De La Masse > Bouquetin > Masse 1 > Doron > Mont De la Chambre > ? > VT13 > Tete ronde

In the afternoon, we skied with Tobias, a friendly, energetic Chinese Club Med receptionist with interesting stories.

Atop Cime Caron 3230m, one of the peaks in the 3 Valleys
Atop Cime Caron 3230m, one of the peaks in the 3 Valleys

Afternoon: VT32 Caron > VT33 Cime Caron > Col de l'audzin > Gentiane

Jellybeans we saw while exploring the Christmas market
Jellybeans we saw while exploring the Christmas market

28/12 Thursday

Today, we explored Maribel and Courchevel with our instructor Pierre.

Morning: VT3 Plein Sud > VT5 > Lac de la chambres > Plans des mains> Sitelle > Martre > Truite> Legends > Lievre? > Rhodos 1 > Rhodos 2 > Loze? > Col de la loze > Coqs? > Jardin Alpine > Biollay > Vizelle > Marcassin > Aigle > Plattiers> Cote brune > ?

In the afternoon (2+pm), me and Benedict explored a black slope ourselves.

Long, lone chairlift
Long, lone chairlift

Afternoon: VT32 Caron > VT33 Cime Caron > Combe de caron > VT33 Cime Caron > Cime > Fond > VT23 Portette > VT24 Thorens > Asters > Genepi

29/12 Friday

Morning: VT34 Moutiere > VT26 Grand Fond > Mauriennaise > OR4 Peyron > La croix d'Antide > OR3 Rosael > Chamois > Fond

Benedict and me explored a mogul filled black slope during lunchtime.

Moguls at the Combe rosael slope
Moguls at the Combe rosael slope (people were going off-piste as it was easier)

Lunchtime: VT32 > VT33 > Combe de caron > VT33 > Combe rosael > OR3 Rosael > Chamois > Fond

Afternoon: VT32 Caron > VT33 Cime Caron > Cime > Fond > VT21 Moraine > Moraine

30/12 Saturday

Warning sign atop Mount Vallon
Warning sign atop Mount Vallon
View beyond the warning sign
View beyond the warning sign

This day was to ourselves. We explored the following slopes:

  • Lac de la chambre
  • Campagnol
  • Combe du vallon
  • Ours
  • Goitschel (a black slope)
  • Lory
  • Bouchet
  • La croix d'Antide
  • Mauriennaise
  • Falaise

Ski Routes to try in the future:

Down Pointe de la Masse 2804m: Bd cumin > Pointe De La Masse > Fred Covili (red)/Lac Noir (black) > Les enverses > Reberty > Bruyeres 1 > Bruyeres 2 >

  • Mont de la chambre > Plein sud
  • (traverse) Lac de la chambre > Plein sud


Invaluable aids: Fatmap was invaluable in route planning and visualization, especially for the challenging slopes.

Ski tricks to practice:

  • Backward direction change
    • While facing backward, turn the head and shoulders toward the direction you wish to head toward, letting the ski on the same leg slide back as well.
  • Backward turn
  • Jumps
  • 180 jump
